Sêr SAM's lab is located at Swansea University's Singleton Campus. The group takes care to deliver state of the art research and results and possesses a variety of apparatuses, many of which were built in-house.
Sêr SAM's lab is located at Swansea University's Singleton Campus. The group takes care to deliver state of the art research and results and possesses a variety of apparatuses, many of which were built in-house.
Dr. Ryan Bigham
Mae gan Ryan gefndir gwyddonol a thechnegol helaeth. Yn wreiddiol, astudiodd am radd Baglor Gwyddoniaeth mewn Ffiseg ym Mhrifysgol Abertawe, lle enillodd wobr y Myfyriwr Lefel 3 Gorau. Parhaodd â'i addysg drwy astudio PhD mewn Nanodechnoleg, ynghylch datblygu technoleg broses ar gyfer biosynwyryddion sy'n seiliedig ar silicon a graffin. Ymunodd â Sêr SAM yn 2019 fel technegydd cynorthwyol ac mae'n cefnogi gweithrediad y grŵp.